Spa Treatments


Volcano Spa

A luxurious 5 step pedicure, provide our clients a premium pedicure experience. Our 5 steps include: Detox Volcano Activator, exfoliating sugar scrub, collagen organic cream mask, and collagen organic lotion.

Hot Towel + Paraffin Wax


Manicure $50

Pedicure $60

Package $105

Dream Golden Mystique

The plant essence can quickly brighten and moisturize the skin as well as clean

Gold Scrub + Gold Mud Mask+Gold Butter+Gold Massage Lotion

Hot Towel + Paraffin Wax


Manicure $45

Pedicure $55

Package $95

Green Tea Spa

Fights the effects of aging, heal blemishes, sooth rashes and reduce cellulite and body odor. Recommended to relieve headaches, to combat depression and to prolong life

Sugar Scrub + Mineral Mud + Hot Towel


Manicure $35

Pedicure $45

Package $75

Pomegranate Spa

Antioxidants in pomegranate removes free radicals, protects cells from damage and reduces inflammation.

Sea Salt Scrub + Mineral Mud + Thermal Oil + Hot Towel


Manicure $35

Pedicure $45

Package $75


Milk and Honey Spa

Soak your feet in a milk bath to purify, calm, whiten, and soothe your skin callus treatment is included.

Sea Salt Scrub + Mineral Mask + Hot Towel


Manicure $35

Pedicure $45

Package $75

Lavender Spa

This smoothing, balancing, and relaxing herb helps ease anger, anxiety, nervousness, stress, insomnia and headaches. Antiseptic circulatory stimulant relieves muscle pain, spam and cramping

Salt Soak + Sugar Scrub + Mud Mask + Hot Towel


Manicure $35

Pedicure $45

Package $75



Luxy Spa

This premium Pedi-Ice with eucalyptus and menthol relieves your tired aching feet. Aromatic foot scrub with quarts crystals will exfoliate your rough skin.

Sugar Scrub + Mineral Mask + Hot Towel


Manicure $30

Pedicure $40

Package $65

Traditional Spa

The perfect maintenance to refresh your skin, nails and cuticles. Manicured toe nails, a botanical lotion massage and your choice of polish.


Manicure $20

Pedicure $33

Package $50


Little Princess Pedicure

Ages 10 and Under


Manicure $18

Pedicure $28

Packages $40

Polish Change Hand $10

Polish Change Feet $15

Hot Stone Massage

(10 minutes)

Hand $10

Feet $15

Paraffin Wax

Hand $7

Feet $10